Heavenly Harmonies & Bodies
Chronic Pain Reduction Package
What would life be like if you weren’t in pain all of the time?
Can you even imagine it?
It’s time you did.
When I was 22 my back locked up for six years and I couldn't get out of pain. My academic career was put on the back burner as I went from doctor to doctor. They said there was nothing wrong with me and after several failed attempts at physical therapy, shoved me off on a pain management doctor. So I decided to look into alternative modalities. Chiropractic helped me not be bed bound. Acupuncture helped some. Meditation improved my mood and pain perception. After yoga I wasn't screaming when I bent over. My service dog took some of the load off. Chamomile tea tasted good. But nothing made me sigh in relief; the pain was always still there. Several years later I was at a retreat for acutonics practitioners and found myself being examined as a case study for the class. The two teachers who had been leading the retreat worked on me for a few minutes... and then the pain was gone! For the first time in six years there was zero pain; laying down, sitting up, walking- it was GONE!!! Even more amazing is that it STAYED GONE the entire 6 hour car ride home.
I've taken everything I've learned from all the modalities I've studied over the years and have seen miracles worked in the lives of those suffering as I once had. Transformational and breakthrough results like the ones I received inevitably happen and working regularly keeps the momentum going and you on the path to a greater, more fulfilled life. Together, we can can solve your chronic pain problem.
Why you should consider this chronic pain reduction package to deal with your chronic pain issues:
+ Immediate relief and finding physical and mental calm in your body; get pain relief that lasts beyond the session
The first thing clients notice about my work is getting those pain numbers to come down in that first session for people who haven't been able to get relief from pain before. I offer a money back guarantee for the first session so clients don't have to worry about investing in something they don't know if will work for them.
+ Get to the root of the problem: navigate to and create healing on the actual underlying cause of the chronic pain itself
Literally nobody I've ever worked with did this, and when I became a new professional I was getting people out of pain, but found that they come back month or years later with a different source of pain. When pain is a major part of your life it's there for a reason for it and until that reason is resolved it has every chance of coming back in a different form; it is one of THE most overlooked aspects when helping people recover from chronic pain and the reason I don't do single pain relief sessions. I want people to get well and STAY well!
+ Gaining sustainable healthy habits to support you in the healing process and to avoid re-establishing pain patterns
Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so too do we. In getting rid of the source of pain, we need something else to fill the void that's left behind or it will just come back. Chronic pain is a lifestyle that people fall into, not willingly or consciously, but because they've run out of options. I've seen this happen first hand to loved ones and family members. I got formal training as an alcohol and drug counselor specifically to learn about what it takes to overcome a dysfunctional lifestyle and change it into the one you always wanted. Even the most successful people in recovery need maintenance plans to prevent a relapse. Oddly, this is true for people recovering from chronic pain as well. We become so used to the pain being there, even though we don't want it, that we unconsciously open the door for it to come back into our lives if we don't take extra measures.
+ Long term work to make sure that these epic changes last not just between sessions, but after the package is complete
While the majority of sessions with be about resolving pain, several will be spaced out over the last several months as a sort of exit process that looks to what will happen after the package is complete. This is a long term program and just as people can get "used" to the pain, sometimes they get used to having someone there to make them feel better in response to it. However, the purpose of this package is to get reduce your pain so that you can have a functional and happy life, AND make it so that you don't have to come back. The last sessions are focused on vertical alignment and resiliency so that those new positive and healthy habits don't erode when life kicks into hard mode.
Here’s how we get you from here to there:
This package is for 27 sessions, which at a one per week is about six months. We meet every week, on the phone or in person, for about an hour (some weeks will be light, others will get into some heavy stuff, so there is a 15 minute variance). Types of sessions include the following:
1. Voice analysis; a startlingly accurate overview of your holistic health gives us a good place to get started from the very first session
2. Frequency Therapy (vibroacoustics, acutonics, and other harmonic tools); working directly with your body and energy fields to bring everything back into harmony. This is where the pain begins to go away.
3. Hypnotherapy; after getting you out of pain, we start working towards making you feeling good and safe in your body so you can be more aware of what's really going on inside it, leaving you empowered to be relaxed about what is happening outside of it. This is where we dig in to examine the pain pattern, why it exists, and what it's going to take to get rid of it.
4. Energy work (EFT, meridian tracing, meditation, etc.) and assignments in between to help you integrate what we do together; this is usually for maintaining long term freedom from pain, although sometimes we may dip into this as a supplement for getting out of pain to begin with.
The particular combination of modalities is customized to meet your particular pain needs. Some weeks we might do several, or even all four in a session, or we can spend multiple weeks just doing a single modality. It's your therapy, so you get to decide which is best for you.
This is perfect for people who have/are:
- want lasting pain relief
- want regular help and boosts as they change their lives for the better
- ready to take charge of their lives and reverse the chronic pain cycle
- anxiety/depression from pain
- cognitive impairment from drain of constantly having to deal with pain
- relationship issues resulting from imbalanced relationships caused by pain
- not living to their full potential or enjoying life
- want a more positive way of thinking about themselves and others
This is not right for people who have/are:
- want to get 'fixed' without doing any work themselves
- still attached to their life as they know and don't want to change
- aren't ready to release anger, resentment, grief or fear
Everybody goes through life at their own pace so if you're not ready for this yet, no judgement, just come back when you are :)
To book your first healing session you can call, text, or clink the link below.
For a free 15-30 Heart Kindling Meet & Greet to make sure we're a good fit before you commit you can call, text, or click the link below:
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