Heavenly Harmonies & Bodies
Oracle Sessions
Tarot Reading and Channeling combined!
I am proud to offer oracle sessions where clients can receive wisdom from both tarot and channeling. Classically I've offered these as separate services, but I find I often start channeling while reading for tarot, and occasionally long for a card of clarification while channeling. Therefore, I've decided to combine them into the same session and if clients express a preference for one or the other I will honor their wish and ask before going into the other modality.
As a therapeutic service, I offer these sessions as a guidance tool in dealing with health and wellness issues. I have yet to see a psychological or tangible problem that does not have a corresponding disturbance in the energetic realm, and I have also found that having this information and using it to resolve the energetic influence will often help to solve much of the manifested problem or at least reduce it such that conventional methods of treatment become much more effective.
The oracle sessions offer excellent insight for getting to the bottom of the cause of chronic pain and as a map for how to get out of it. For those suffering from crisis, PTSD, and addictions, oracle sessions can offer a very wide net of solutions for how to get out of that state and further suggestions for how stay that way.
For one-off sessions and events, I'll read for the usual relationship or financial/career type questions.
I do not channel recently passed loved ones or anyone not of the Light, Love, and Wisdom. Usually it's info between your guides and my guides, with an occasional appearance of an ascended master or two.