Heavenly Harmonies & Bodies
Self Reclamation Package
When you are working to heal from physical or emotional pain, it can get difficult. You get pushed to your outer limits of coping - mentally and physically. You can even feel lost in the process.
What if you could be ok with everything that's happening right now?
What if you could trade anger and stress for empathy and acceptance?
Does life really have to keep going on this way?
Do you remember what calm feels like in your body?
My Self Reclamation Process works specifically for those in the healing process to help release and move through the physical and mental stress and trauma that brings people to my office.
I know exactly what it feels like to feel lost in your healing journey. I’ve been on my own mental and physical healing process for years.
I know the loneliness.
I understand the stress of it.
Even when those around us try to assist, and have no understanding of what we are going through.
But building up walls doesn’t help your healing.
Resisting what is happening isn’t going to help you move through it.
I’ve create a process that became the turnaround point during the worst period of my life. It didn't fix everything single handedly, but it did give me the strength to take the next step...and the next...and the next.
And you know what? I became stronger each step I took.
What happens when you regain your self on your healing journey:
+ reclaim control over your wellbeing
+ step into your empowered self
+ learn how to be a creator in your life
+ create calmness and certainty
+ freedom to be yourself and at choice in how life affects you
+ better mood
+ better mental focus
+ feel stronger in your body and in your life!
+ healing and releasing of traumas
+ attract what you want in life
+ embrace the power already inside you
+ take major steps towards whole wellness
+ anger transformed into empathy and love
+ unlock your heart and open yourself to love and acceptance (in any situation)
Ready to take control of your healing journey, and reclaim your Self in the process? Here’s how we make that happen:
4 sessions that can be applied in as little as a week for intensive assistance with highly charged situations, or spread out about once a week over a month for a more gradual shift. Types of sessions include the following:
1. Voice analysis; a startlingly accurate overview of your holistic health gives us a good place to get started from the very first session
2. Frequency Therapy (vibroacoustics, acutonics, and other harmonic tools); working directly with your body and energy fields to bring everything back into harmony
3. Hypnotherapy; we start by getting you feeling good and safe in your body so you can be more aware of what's really going on inside it, leaving you empowered to be relaxed about what is happening outside of it
4. Weekly coaching; maintaining long term homeostasis in your wellness state
5. Assignments in between to help you integrate what we do together; exercises for between sessions and tips and tricks for life after the package is complete
The particular combination of modalities is customized to meet your particular pain point needs. Some weeks we might do several, or even all five in a session, or we can spend multiple weeks just doing a single modality. It's your therapy, so you get to decide which is best for you.
This is perfect for people who have/are:
- in the healing process, either mentally or physically
- feeling stuck or lost inside themselves or the healing process
- anxiety/depression
- cognitive impairment
- relationship issues
- not living to their full potential or enjoying life
This is not right for people who have/are:
- looking for a quick fix
- don’t want to move forward with their lives
It's your body.
Your mind.
Your destiny!
Call today to make an appointment for a discovery session to find out where you are in your self sovereignty right now, and some free steps towards getting that crown back on your head!
To book your first healing session you can call, text or click the link below:
For a free 15-30 minute Heart Kindling Meet & Greet to make sure we're a good fit before you commit, you can call, text, or click the link below:
Schedule a Heart Kindling Meet & Greet