Heavenly Harmonies & Bodies
Space Clearing
Space Clearing has been used in ritual for thousands of years. It literally clears the area in question of any lingering bad vibes, stuck energy, and in special circumstances, earthbound entities. Once the "bad" feeling is gone, the area is bathed in light, free flowing energy, good vibes and it just feels nice to spend time there.
These days it is still relevant in secular society as a means of keeping workers happy by clearing space in the workplace. This benefits the employees, who are less stressed and able to have better workplace relationships and morale, while also benefiting the employers who see better efficiency and less sick days from the employees. Everybody wins!
Realtors will employ space clearers if a property hasn't moved off the market. After I moved out of the family home my parents put it up for sale so they could finally downsize. It stayed on the market for several years until I came back and did a clearing as a way of saying goodbye to the house I had loved for so long. Two weeks later it was sold!
One of the most opportune times to get a space clearing is when people are moving into a new home so that they will be settling into a place that already has "good energy." This leads to a smoother transition into the space as well as a more harmonious home moving forward.
I offer distance as well as a in-person space clearing. In both circumstances I have a consultation with the client to get information about what they would like the space to feel like afterwards, or what type of energy they would like to be brought in. For example, in clearing space in a home for someone undergoing surgery (another excellent time to have a space clearing!), they might benefit to have a healing aspect integrated into their home, or more especially in the bedroom where they may be spending more of their time.
Your space is personalized to you, and to get the most benefit so should be the clearing of your space! Other customizations people might request would be a refuge for students to study, a particularly heartfelt space for love and relationships, a super grounded and nourishing vibe for overall health and wellness, etc. There is no limit to what we can create for your space!
Tools and energy conduits come with each space clearing. For distance sessions, the items are mailed and placed around the space by you in accordance with helpful directions from myself. For in-person, I leave them in the space when I am done. These items can include: stones, statuary, oils, misters, candles, etc. They are meant to be utilized by you to help keep the new energy once the initial clearing is done and to go longer between space clearings.